Patent Fees Increase on Jan. 19

design fees IP Practicum patent

Consistent with its previous fee study authorized by Congress in 2022, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is increasing patent fees on a long list of categories. The study culminated in an official proposed fee schedule published in the Federal Register.

The USPTO anticipates a gradual increase in the number of patent applications filed between, FY2025 through FY2029, between 1.0% and 2.1%.

One category of increases focus on the quality of continuing applications, and the shifting policy to discourage later-filed continuation applications merely for the purpose of extending patent term of a family of patents. For example, the new fee for filing a continuation application five to eight years after the priority date of the parent application would be for large entity/small entity/micro entity, in order, $2200/$880/$440. However, filing a continuation application eight years or later after the priority date of the parent application would cost $3500/$1400/$700. These fees would apply to utility or plant applications; design applications would not be subject to his new fee scheme.

Speaking of design patent applications, major fee increases are set to go into effect. New applications will now cost $300, up from $220, for large entities, for the basic fee. For small/micro entities, the new basic fee will be $120/$60. Design search fees hike up 88%, while design issue fees are set to go up a hefty 76% across all entity rates, and international application (i.e., Hague application) designation fee set to increase 27%.

The new fee schedule takes effect on January 19, 2025. For more information on the patent process, please contact Yonaxis I.P. Law Group.