CES 2019 will open January 8 – 11, 2019, in Las Vegas, Nevada, bringing to the world’s eyes gadgets and technology from startups all over the globe. Wearable tech has always been one of the more popular offerings at CES. This year, we spotlight one of the patents behind Orii, the ring smartphone device from …
Category: Tech Patents
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. D814,244 S1: New Year’s Edition
U.S. Patent No. D814,244 S1 (‘244) issued on April 3, 2018, for “Champagne Bucket.” It was issued to inventor Matthew Hartley of Eversham, Great Britain. The applicant/assignee is Robert Welch Designs Ltd. of Chipping, Campden, Great Britain, a household retailing company. This patent is a design patent under 35 U.S.C. §171, which protects the ornamental …
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. D814,343 S1: Christmas Edition
U.S. Patent No. D814,343 S (‘343) issued on April 3, 2018, for “Dachshund Christmas Stocking.” It was issued to inventors/applicants Maria Lynne Ampolo of West Springfield, Massachusetts and Robert Kenneth King, II, of Colorado Springs, Colorado. The assignee is Hearth Hounds, LLC. This patent is a design patent under 35 U.S.C. §171, which protects the …
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. D822,384 S1: Christmas Edition
U.S. Patent No. D822,384 S1 (‘384) issued on July 10, 2018, for “Christmas Tree Storage Bag.” It was issued to inventor/applicant Jamie Limber of Phoenix, Arizona. This patent is a design patent under 35 U.S.C. §171, which protects the ornamental features of an article of manufacture. The features cover the full design of the storage …
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. 10,057,241 B2
U.S. Patent No. 10,057,241 (‘241) issued on August 21, 2018, for “Toggle Between Accounts.” It was issued to inventors Anand Subramani and François Alexander Allain, both of San Francisco, California. The applicant/assignee is Dropbox, Inc., a public cloud storage company. The elements of the ‘241 patent claims appear aimed at its AdminX business division products …
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. D814,846 S1: Thanksgiving Edition
U.S. Patent No. D814,846 S1 (‘846) issued on April 10, 2018, for “Rotisserie Turkey Deep Fryer.” It was issued to inventors James A. Hedrington of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and Michael R. Berge of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The applicant/assignee is National Presto Industries, Inc., a public kitchen appliance manufacturer. This patent is a design patent under …
Glyphosate Plaintiff Accepts Reduced Punitive Damages Award
On October 26, 2018, the dying plaintiff in the first-of-its-kind case involving Monsanto Co.’s glyphosate product, ROUNDUP®, has accepted a judge’s punitive damages award reduction prior to the court-imposed deadline of December 7, 2018. The amount of $78 million represents the $39 million for compensatory damages, and the equivalent $39 million for punitives, which the …
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. 9,406,092 B2 – Halloween Edition
Since today is Halloween, this blog will commemorate the occasion with a creepy patent. U.S. Patent No. 9,406,092 B2 (‘092) issued on August 2, 2016, for “Targeting items to a user of a social networking system based on a predicted event for the user.” It was issued to inventor Paul Adams of San Francisco, California. …
Monsanto Motion for New Trial Conditionally Denied and JNOV Denied
As a follow-up to our previous posting on the blockbuster glyphosate trial in which a plaintiff suffering from non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was awarded $289 million by a San Francisco jury, the judge, on October 22, 2018, has conditionally denied Monsanto’s motion for new trial and denied its motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV). This decision …
TechPat: U.S. Patent No. D822,755 S
U.S. Patent No. D822,755 S (‘755) issued on July 10, 2018, for “Eyeglasses.” It was issued to inventors Evan Spiegel of Venice, California, Lauryn Morris, of Los Angeles, California, David Meisenholder of Venice, California, and Qiaokun Huang of Venice, California. The applicant/assignee is Snap Inc., the parent company of the social media company Snapchat. Evan …