CannabIP: U.S. Patent No. PP30,434 P3

Cannabis IP patent plantIP

U.S. Patent No. PP30,434 P3 (‘434) issued on April 23, 2019, for “Cannabis Plant Named ‘LW-BB1’.”  It was issued to inventors Andrew Alfred, Ian Dumpert, and Christopher Chapdeline of Denver, Colorado, and Kasey Greenwald of Evergreen, Colorado.  The applicant/assignee is Green Brands, LLC.  This patent is a plant patent under 35 U.S.C. §161, which protects …

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CannabIP: Hemp Now Accepted For PVP Protection

Cannabis IP plantIP PVP technology

On April 24, 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) will begin accepting applications for new, distinctive hemp-based seed-propagated plants for Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Certificates, as a result of the 2018 Farm Bill signed December 20, 2018.  Hemp is the non-psychoactive element of C. sativa plant, …

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PlantIP: U.S. Patent No. PP30,173 P2

patent plantIP

U.S. Patent No. PP30,173 P2 (‘173) issued on February 5, 2019, for “Grandiflora Rose Plant Named ‘KORmonali’.”  It was issued to inventor Wilhelm-Alexander Kordes of Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Germany.  The applicant/assignee is W. Kordes’ Söhne Rosenschulen GmbH & Co KG, of Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Germany.  This patent is a plant patent under 35 U.S.C. §161, which protects …

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PlantIP: U.S. Patent No. PP29,976 P2

patent plant plantIP

U.S. Patent No. PP29,976 P3 (‘976) issued on December 11, 2018, for “Phlox Plant Named ‘Verpri’.”  It was issued to inventor/applicant Janus Verschoor of Haarlem, Netherlands.  The assignee is A. Verschoor Horticulture Import-Export B.V., of Haarlem, Netherlands, a perennial wholesale company.  This patent is a plant patent under 35 U.S.C. §161, which protects new and …

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