U.S. Patent No. D814,343 S (‘343) issued on April 3, 2018, for “Dachshund Christmas Stocking.” It was issued to inventors/applicants Maria Lynne Ampolo of West Springfield, Massachusetts and Robert Kenneth King, II, of Colorado Springs, Colorado. The assignee is Hearth Hounds, LLC. This patent is a design patent under 35 U.S.C. §171, which protects the ornamental features of an article of manufacture. The features cover the stocking, and where the foot of the stocking is located, the features also cover the design of a dachshund dog. If hung on a fireplace mantel, the dachshund’s head would actually be upside down.
Figure 1 below illustrates the ornamental features of the stocking.

Under 35 U.S.C. §173, the ‘343 patent, like all design patents, has a patent term of 15 years, and expires on July 10, 2033 (MPEP 1505).
The Cooperative Patent Classifications are A47G (household or table equipment); B44C (producing decorative effects, mosaics, tarsia workings, paperhangings); and A41B (shirts, underwear, baby linen, handkerchiefs).
Another design patent that is not the most novel of inventions, this patent, however, is a whimsical design reflective of one of our most celebrated holidays. Please contact Yonaxis for more information on design patents, or patents in general, if you have any questions.
Merry Christmas!